

来源:www.hnsfdxzk.org 发表时间:2019-04-22 16:46 作者:湖南师范大学自考办 点击: 湖南师范大学自考网上报名

 PART 1  Ten questions: 10% (keep phrases in mind 记短语)
1.How to be a successful language learner?
(active +independent +propose即积极性+独立性+目的性)
2. How do you understand the phrase in
“Americans just like other people must die” on the coner of dying?”
It means largest 美国人也像其他人逃不过死的命运,是人都一样。
3. Which ocean is The largest Ocean ?→ Pacific
4. How to improve your memory except repetition(重复)。
5. blast into《蓝色地表》
6. Which group is suffer from TV. Violence  → pre-school children
7. 什么因素可以影响我们作决定,无关的是什么?即personal belief 个人信仰
8. 可选择的——作出选择——决定  即:alterative----choice----decision
9. take into account考虑到
10. what’s the Black Hole?A region of space
   Whose theory can explain the Black Hole?……Einstein’s
11. Which country in Europe is permitted“安乐死”.
Highly developed countries荷兰Holland/Netherland

Ⅱ单词和结构20% 每题1分
1.Don’t leave your bike in the rain ,it will get rusty. 生锈的
2. 抱歉v. apologize
3. 你要获得帮助是不可能的. (out of the question)
4. 倒装; Hardly had I got home, ……
5. 万一他没来,我们推迟会议. in the event of ……(万一)
6. It occurred to me that…… 我突然想到……
7. 虚拟 :没有你帮助,我的功课完不成。
Without your help, no lesson could have been finished .
Or: The bridge could have never been built.
8. confirm 确认  I confirm sth is true.
9. 我们积极努力找出与事故相关的原因.  be relation to
10. worth doing sth
It is worth taking some time to do sth.
11. It’s time we went(过去式) home.
13. I assure everything will be all right. 我保证一切没错。
14. 报价  offer price
15. 不配  doesn’t match
16. None of us know what happened 没一个人知道发生了什么事。
17. 如果没人提到他名字,我根本不可能。
Had sb not mentioned his name. I would have never recognized him.
18.though remembered
19. 他考试结果不稳定(不一致性 be not consistent with……
20. 五分之四 four-fifths
21. 你必须24小时内把照片运到…… 不然(otherwise)你得不到passport

Ⅲ reading (3篇短文30% 2分/题)
Passage A. e.g. What city is the capital of China locate?
Improve the shape of trees
The gardeners 剪稀(cut off)花木in order to 让树通风,有时
在修剪之后,喷   白色石灰水防虫(疾病)侵入 prevent the inserts from侵蚀树木.
那么,一个好园丁只要有必要when only necessary(everytime is necessary),就可修,不一定在冬天

Passage B 记忆力Memory
记忆力越好,知识越多,记忆力反映了知识水平,记忆力①memory is the ability to store your spirit for future use.②whose memory is larger ? human beings. human being’s larger than that of computer.
③如teen-agers → memory is strong
Some animals (birds) → memory is simple
With regard to memory 就记忆力而言 
⑤Memory is very important in our life. 

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